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750kV substation crisis Gribovo

Gribovo 750kV substations under the management of Power Transmission Corporation Russian Federation (FGC UES) is one of the largest transformer station in the world with a capacity of up to 4.552MVA; In addition, this terrible substation was designed with basement bomb shelter in the event of war.

Gribovo 750kV substation covers an area 29,35ha, in operation since 2012. The substation receives power from a nuclear power plant located in Kalininskaya and power supply circuits for Moscow to hold position paramount.

Power Transmission Corporation Country Vietnam (EVNNPT) visited and inspected at FGC UES station, said: FGS UES restrict people not on duty at the station (even internally); equipped with the security check at the entrance to the station; have bomb shelters for the workers and employees of the station; Private water supply lines; always have food reserves; in the distribution field 750kV, 500kV are 1 phase transformer hot standby, ready to put into operation in 1-8 hours depending on the voltage level; station has an inventory of large backup device; with reserve tank enough to replace one transformer; has land reserves to expand compartment Highway; there are many rail system to put the transformer into and out of operating position or fallback position should be very flexible in all situations.

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